Monday 15 February 2016


Discus fish that has a natural habitat in the area of the Amazon River, United States. Far yes discharged directly from Asia to South America. Currently discus favored by aquarist. types of freshwater fish requires extra care and greater funds compared with other freshwater fish species.

Discus is still included in the Cichlid tropical species. Cichlid species usually grow well in the African continent and the discus to be an exception because they live in Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, and Columbia. You could say this out of habit Cichlid species, but that diversity. This fish is also very fond of the water flow of the river habitat is quiet and not too heavy. In the Amazon river, they are glad to be among the branches to avoid attack larger fish. That is a way of their self defense.

Characteristics Discus Fish
If you want to maintain the discus as freshwater fish, first you need to know these fish. Easy anyway, discus fish has the appearance of a recognizable visible. These fish form as the name implies flat disc-us, then large and elongated fins. The mouth and the eyes of these fish are small, so the appearance of red eye color looks grim. The length of this fish can reach 15 to 25 cm. Fish color varies depending on the type of fish, there is a green, red or brown. In the body there is a vertical lines commonly used to fool other fish / camouflage.

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